How to save a plum tree whose roots have been damaged by building work
How to save a plum tree whose roots have been damaged by building excavations? Dan Neuteboom provides advice that could help the tree survive.
How to save a plum tree whose roots have been damaged by building excavations? Dan Neuteboom provides advice that could help the tree survive.
Leaf browning on a newly-planted apple tree may be caused by a particularly stressful period, such as a momentary lack of water.
A reader asks for advice for an old Newton Wonder apple tree that has stopped producing fruit. Dan’s reply focuses on the overcrowded canopy.
Peach, nectarine and sometimes apricot all suffer from the fungal disease peach leaf curl. Dan’s solution for this reader’s problem is based on trees in containers.
Advice on when an espalier frame – protecting a peach from rain and moisture to prevent peach leaf curl – can be removed.
Sometimes, you may run into fruit tree problems – fruit trees can get sick. All sorts of things can happen: they may stop growing, their leaves may discolour or curl up, perhaps they don’t produce much fruit. Just contact us … Read More
Our apple tree has always provided lots of fruit and while it has had a minor issue with aphids in the past it never seemed affected. This year it had lots of blossom and loads of small fruit, but the … Read More