cherry pollination
Photo Shawnn Tan on Unsplash

Cherry pollination is based on the activity of bees. Cherry trees have the same pollination necessities as described for apple tree pollination. Most cherry trees need cross pollination, performed by bees, to set a crop. A few varieties, such as Stella and Compact Stella, can set a crop on their own, because they are capable of self-pollination. Morello (sour) cherry trees are also self-fertile.

Cherry varieties are subdivided into six groups, A, B, C, D, E, F, according to their flowering time. A tree will cross-pollinate with trees in its own group, and the groups on either side. For example, for a tree in group C, a pollinator can be in groups B, C or D. Things are made easier by the fact that most cherry trees are in groups C and D.

If you don’t have room for a pollinator, you can use another system, placing a branch of another variety into a milk bottle and hanging it in the tree. Watch a video about how to improve cross-pollination, fruit set and cropping on a cherry tree, using a milk bottle.

Cherry pollination compatibility chart

Compact Stella Self-fertile D
Kordia Self-fertile D
Lapins Self-fertile C
Merton Glory Self-sterile B
Morello (sour) Self-fertile F
Regina Self-sterile C
Stella Self-fertile D
Sylvia Self-fertile D
Summer Sun Self-fertile D
Sunburst Self-fertile D
Van Self-sterile C

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