Cox’s Orange Pippin is still one of the very best apples from the point of view of taste. In a garden situation, it is very difficult to grow, unless plenty of space is available and the tree can develop without any competition from hedges, ornamental trees or closely-planted fruit trees.
Cox’s Orange Pippin requires a deep loam soil, which is free draining and with adequate levels of potash and magnesium. Its main fungal diseases are scab and mildew. Any affected leaves, or rosettes of flowers, in the early spring will have to be removed. Its essential partner for good pollination is either Red Windsor or James Grieve.
Before the winter months, around late November, all leaves will need to be collected from the ground and burned, because several diseases are carried over to the following spring on the decaying leaves. It is a variety suitable for the specialist and the keen horticulturist. It is not suitable for the casual gardener. It is a moderate cropper unlikely to over-set fruit in the average year. The self fertile strain of Cox’s Orange Pippin in most situations will set a crop without the need of other pollinating apple trees.
View the Apple Pollination Chart to find suitable pollinators.