Jubilee is a self-pollinating, hardy, regular-cropping dessert plum. Though strong-growing, it is generally grown on a dwarfing rootstock, so that the tree can be kept small, even down to about 180 cm height. So it is ideal if space is limited.
It can be kept even smaller by growing it in a pot which should be at least 45-55 cm in diameter.
Jubilee was developed at the SLU Balsgard Research Station in Sweden, in 1985. In that country it is known as Jubileeum. It is self-fertile and so it doesn’t need a pollinator.
The fruit of Jubilee is similar to Victoria, but larger, and it is ready to pick a week earlier (mid August). It has dark reddish-violet skin, yellow flesh and a stone that separates easily from the flesh. The fruit can also be cooked with good results.
In short, Jubilee is an excellent variety, one that rivals Victoria for the title of the finest plum of all.
Read an article on plum, greengage and damson pollination, with a pollination compatibility chart.
Read an article on how to prune plum trees.
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