– The Suffolk Fruit and Trees blog, with suggestions on tree growing and tree care. – Harrod Horticultural are a manufacturer and supplier offering an exclusive range of high quality fruit and vegetable cages, raised beds, garden netting, biological pest control, hand forged gardening tools and lots more – Steve Flory, based in Thorndon, is an expert in everything that concerns poultry, and so is a useful contact for people who like the idea of having chickens in their orchard. He provides fencing, poultry houses, and a great variety of all types of chickens – First Pasture are specialists for land and country books, with a full range of titles on agriculture, smallholding and self sufficiency, equestrianism, angling and many other rural related subjects. – Manufacturers of a series of garlic-based barrier products previously marketed as Aston Tree Wash and Garberry. Their products help to grow healthy, productive crops with zero residues in a sustainable way, reducing or eliminating the need for synthetic chemicals. – A guide to some common tree diseases. Sarah, a volunteer from the W.B. Goodwin Community Center, kindly gave us the information about this website. – Henry Neuteboom is the copywriter who writes a lot of the texts for more of his work can be found at his company website Write Now, his portfolio at, and some artworks at
In the image below: even an apricot can be grown, and brought to crop, in the UK with the right care.
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