Tydeman’s Late Orange is a very late-maturing dessert apple with good flavour, that keeps well. As the tree gets older, the apples tend to get smaller. The fruits are very sensitive to brown rot and shrivel. A variety introduced in 1930 by East Malling Research station.
Tydemans Late Orange is a variety that tends to crop well one year, and very little, or none, the following year – it is a so-called biennial bearing variety. This is part of the tree’s genetic make-up and we have to put up with it. But Tydemans Late Orange has such good eating quality and good storage quality that it’s well worth growing in any case. Tydemans Late Orange is a late autumn apple, and trees that mature their fruit late in the season often have better eating and keeping quality than the earlier fruiting trees. Another apple variety with a tendency to biennial bearing is Laxton Superb: like Tydemans Late Orange, it’s worth waiting for.
Watch a video about Tydemans Late Orange and biennial bearing.
View the Apple Pollination Chart to find suitable pollinators.